Tom Threadgill’s Network of Deceit

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Network of Deceit
By Tom Threadgill / Revell

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A great suspense novel with a contemporary plot. Threadgill is a new author to me. The characters were original, well drawn out, and all woven together into a very satisfying reading experience. At mid-point, I said to my husband, “You would like this book. You can have it when I’m finished.” He didn’t wait. The next day he picked it up and jumped right in. From that point forward we managed two bookmarks until its conclusion; “His” and “Mine”. He finished before me but offered no spoilers. At the end he asked, “So this author has another book?” We both want to read Threadgill’s first book titled Collision of Lies. Isn’t that the best compliment an novelist can earn? Two satisfied readers looking for the author’s other published works.

The female protagonist, Amara Alvarez, is smart and competent. The story opens on her first days at her new assignment in the San Antonio’s Homicide Division. Her desk is a card table. It’s not like they rolled out the red carpet to welcome the newbie. Mostly she wins negative attention from one veteran detective who mocks her earlier work, harangues her with belittling language, and talks about the office pool he initiated to see just how long she will last. From this point forward, she’s the underdog you’ll root for hoping the snarky veteran will have to eat crow. One detective, Starsky Peckham befriends her and eventually assists on a case. Their story line is superb with funny banter studded with nuggets of wisdom.

The crime is quite a mystery that is a tough puzzle to solve. You’ll be glad to follow the cast through to the end. In exchange for my honest review, I received a print copy from the publisher, Revell.

Blind Betrayal

downloadThe plot draws you in immediately. When an environmentalist discovers collusion between a US Senator and a foreigner suspected of terrorism, he turns to a reporter to expose the corruption. The main emphasis of the story is focused on how US Marshals, Casey and E.J., will transport the reporter to testify before a grand jury. The plot thickens when life-threatening obstacles arise to prevent the reporter’s DC appearance. FBI imposters blow their cover and trigger a violent showdown. Casey and E.J. must now safeguard the reporter and themselves. One error in judgement or misplaced trust will cost them everything. They draw on their long careers in law enforcement to persevere through dire circumstances.

This is Book 3 in the Defenders of Justice series. The author writes with a brisk pace. She avoids side trips to restate events from previous novels. The title captures your curiosity and keeps you guessing until the end. You’re always wondering who will ultimately pull off a blind betrayal. The villains are sufficiently bad. Their web of deceit, illegal wrong-doings, and threatening behaviors keep the suspense taut. The good guys will not disappoint. One undercover agent proves trustworthy and is an essential ally.

Previously, Casey and E.J. had been partners in D.C. She left D.C. abruptly and moved to St. Louis, where the story reunites them. In D.C. Casey was in a relationship with E.J.’s best friend Jared. When Casey describes her relationship with Jared it’s clear why she leaves, but in my opinion one of her conclusions about this relationship is the only blemish in this story.

The surprise ending is full of tension. All subplots are resolved, and you can identify the characters who choose to betray their co-conspirators for personal gain. I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review.